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Recent Orthoptera Sightings

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:03 pm
by PaulMartinHill
Recent Orthoptera Sightings:

Short-winged Cone-head (Conocephalus dorsalis) appears to have made it to Cheshire, with one recorded at Parkgate last year. Due to a backlog of records to validate, this has only just come to my attention :( Worth looking and listening for it out on the Dee Estuary.

Also in the last few weeks I have received a very good description of a Mole Cricket from Marbury Country Park. However the exact species can not be determined, and as Mole Cricket is virtually (or may now even be) extinct in the UK, the record needs to be considered with caution. It is highly likely an introduction from the adjacent garden centre. Most recent mole cricket records originate from accidental imports at garden centres.