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Phyllonorycter geniculella mine on Sycamore .....

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:04 pm
by SteveH
Phyllonorycter geniculella mine on Sycamore .....:

Hi Folks,

Just returning home from a wander around my local patch this morning and am wondering about a Phyllonorycter 'crease' I found on a Sycamore. It looked like it 'had' to be geniculella but the timing couldn't be more wrong for that species (or any of the other Sycamore species for that matter!). It didn't look at all right for acerifoliella , or for platanoidella.. Does anyone know if there are additional species using Sycamore these days?

Also this morning I found a caterpillar of unknown species on Poplar .... offers on what it might be greatly received.

Trapping last night produced nothing new for the year and precious little of note apart from Gold Spot. August turned out to be the second best year ever for us in terms of species, with 151. By the end of August, our average year list is 273, so at 271 this year we are almost exactly average!
